Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Are you ready for the mass evacuation in Japan to Northern Hemisphere?

The reactor number 4 in Fukushima nuke plant is about to collapse. The article says people need to evacuate for such a situation. If you don't have a fallout shelter, try visit somewhere with one. Some countries have extra shelters and ones for the exhibition purpose from the past cold war monuments. Me? I'm in the safe zone with some fallout shelters nearby for next few weeks. Be prepared for the worst. Oh, yeah, it takes 2 weeks for the radioactive materials to reach to the North America. So, you might have to make an emergency extension of the winter holiday for the nuclear emergency getaway. And don't forgot buying some tinned goods and other things the UBS suggested for the possible EURO corruption.
According to our source, the entire reactor 4 structure has been deemed "highly unstable," and the south wall of the reactor appears to be headed into an imminent
The reactor number 4 in Fukushima nuke plant is about to collapse. The article says people need to evacuate for such a situation. If you don't have a fallout shelter, try visit somewhere with one. Some countries have extra shelters and ones for the exhibition purpose from the past cold war monuments. Me? I'm in the safe zone with some fallout shelters nearby for next few weeks. Be prepared for the worst. Oh, yeah, it takes 2 weeks for the radioactive materials to reach to the North America. So, you might have to make an emergency extension of the winter holiday for the nuclear emergency getaway. And don't forgot buying some tinned goods and other things the UBS suggested for the possible EURO corruption.
According to our source, the entire reactor 4 structure has been deemed "highly unstable," and the south wall of the reactor appears to be headed into an imminent structural failure. This situation, of course, is extremely dangerous and could have devastating consequences for Northern Japan as well as North America, which is why mass evacuations in Japan would be a likely outcome in the hours following such a collapse.
structural failure. This situation, of course, is extremely dangerous and could have devastating consequences for Northern Japan as well as North America, which is why mass evacuations in Japan would be a likely outcome in the hours following such a collapse.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

90,000Bq/kg sheets found in a secondary school in Suginami-ku, Tokyo

Someone found the plastic glass sheets used in the secondary school in suginami-ku in Tokyo has the radioactive contamination level of 90,000Bq/kg. I assume these sheets are used for the PE classes since March. I'm curious what happened to the children and the PE teacher. Ah, never mind. These secondary schools in Tokyo was using the pool for the PE classes sine March, and the water contamination limit would be around 300Bq/L or something. They probably have no problem with the sheets. It's just the matter of the time these kids would have more high radio active contamination than the radioactive waste regulation in near future.

Due to the copyright limitation, I cannot share the picture or the article, but you can check them from the below link. (http://www.asahi.com/national/gallery_e/view_photo.html?national-pg/1213/TKY201112130306.jpg)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Missing 143 nuclear plant workers would be sent to the Fukushima Medical University for human specimen making purpose

TEPCO announced that hundreds of nuclear workers from Fukushima Daiichi missing. There was a report from Dr. Seto, a professor who seemed to be visiting Fukushima nuclear plants during October, shared the information at Mixi, the Japanese social network site. His account is deleted, but his post is pasted at many places. He wrote for sharing, so I share his information here for as well.

He wrote that the disposing the radioactive material caused deaths from the heart problem and a company causing such damage to hundreds of workers would be a very sensational news and that is why they are reported as missing. The family members of these missing workers received a good sum of money for the compensation. The bodies are kept in Fukushima Medical University as the human specimens for the radiation damage study. There were some people kept in the hospital after the nuclear accident and the the picture were released from foreign, I think it was Taiwan, media with the pictures. What happened to these people?

If you want to know how people have been missing from TEPCO, please contact the human right organization for the investigation of the missing workers and where about of these people who disappeared to the hospitals due to their radiation damages.

2011-10-31 福島第一原発作業員行方不明百数名は亡くなっている





転載終了。 (http://ameblo.jp/pochifx/entry-11064892387.html)