Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Half of Japanese population might die in 10 years

I found a really nice news on a Japanese BBS and the information seemed to be real. Kouhei Matsuda is a professor at Touhoku Bunkyou university. He post on FB about Japanese 500Bq/Kg standard is the maximum food intake in case of nuclear war and to avoid the death from hunger. He says that if someone eats 500Bq/Kg of Cesium 137 for 3 years, that person would die. His prediction is that the current standard has more than 95% possibility that more than half of Japanese citizens have the fatal level inner radiation contamination in 10 years. It means that Japanese population would be reduced to half 10 years later.
【食 料生産者の皆さんへ】
国の暫定基準値の500Bq/Kgは全面核戦争に陥った場合に餓死 を避けるためにやむを得ず口にする食物の汚染上限です。もしも放 射性セシウム137が500Bq/Kgも含まれた食品を3年食べ たら致死量に達します。全てが基準値ぎりぎりではないとしても重 複内部被曝を考えれば政府の暫定基準値では10年後に半数以上の 国民が致死量以上に内部被曝する可能性が95%を超えます。つま り暫定基準500Bq/Kg未満で安全宣言すすると言うことは、 その食品を食べた人が10年後に半数は死亡してもかまわないと言っ ているのと同じだと言うことを忘れないでください。
Kouhei Matsuda 被曝線量計を買う。食品の生産地を確認する(ただし日本の食品の3割は産地偽装とも言われる)。一番良い方法は日本から脱出することです。ドイツ政府は被曝を逃れて入国する日本人を政治亡命者として受け入れる準備を密かに始めています。
(Sonntag um 07.29 - from his FB page comment)
If German government is really helping the Japanese avoiding the nuclear radiations, I will go to Germany, too. I have been warning about the serious health problem and criticizing the Japanese government's ill handling of the aftermath. I'm pro Angie and CDU. No problem with German politics.

Does any government allow me to stay and gives me a new citizenship? I'll wait few more till how things turns out.

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